Determineing Your Sign
The signs of the Kemetic Zodiac are based on the months of the Sidereal Calendar. The Sidereal Calendar represents a new approach to time division. Based on the star Sirius and the Orion constellation, it is the only calendar that uses an exact cycle for the division of time. Used before and during the Pharaonic period, this is the only calendar that is not based on socio-religious events.
How Does the Sidereal Calendar Work?
Each year is divided into twelve months of thirty days and one month of five days. The final month has one additional day every fourth year. The gregorian dates for the start and end of each month will vary due to inaccuracies in comparison to the Sidereal calendar.
Each month is governed by a God or Goddess who guides the destiny of those born within that month.
Each month is divided into three dekans, or period of ten days. The ten-day week was the original length of a week; the introduction of a seven day week was purely a political decision and has no base in spritiuality or astronomy. The month of Nwt will have five days except for the great year (every four years determined by celestial measurements) when there will be six days.
So this is my guardian goddess:
Ruler of Mesut-Re
In all other years
Aug 6 to Sept 4
lioness Goddess, Hakru, is considered the creator Goddess who helps keep the order of the world. Hakru stays herself in her temple but takes a different form when she leaves it. When she is at peace she presents herself as the Goddess Cat, Bastet. This is for the joy and happiness of humans. When irritated, Hakru becomes Sekmet, the bloodthirsty warrior Goddess who delivers death and suffering as she wanders. These are the characteristics that we find in people born under her sign.
more to come later...
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